Available courses

This course will be useful to people who have to install and remove pipes and accessories.

After completing this course you are able to:
  1. Explain specified requirements regarding the installation and removal of pipes and accessories.
  2. Prepare to install and remove pipes and accessories.
  3. Install and remove pipes and accessories.
  4. Perform post-installation and removal activities.
This course is intended to promote general skills, knowledge, and understanding of persons responsible for installing and removing pipes and accessories in the mining and minerals sector in order to ensure knowledgeable, competent, and informed workers.
This Course will be useful for people who have to analyse and solve problems.

People credited with this unit standard are able to: Identify the problem.
  1. Analyse the problem.
  2. Select problem-solving techniques.
  3. Apply problem-solving techniques.
Purpose of this Course is for persons who must know the most common harmful gases and vapours. People credited with this unit standard are able to: Explain the ceiling limits and effects of the gases and vapours. Explain the various types of detection and measurement methodologies for the gases and vapours and the detection instruments' operation. Explain the characteristics, sources, and occurrence of the gases and vapours. Explain the action to be taken and the consequences of not taking action if the gases and vapours are encountered. The knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this unit standard contribute to social and economic transformation and the upliftment and economic growth of the mining and minerals sector by demonstrating knowledge of the most common harmful gases and vapours as part of the mining process. This unit standard is intended to promote general knowledge and understanding of persons responsible for making safe a workplace in the mining and minerals sector in order to ensure knowledgeable, competent and informed workers.
This Course will be useful for people who have to determine thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer in an underground workplace.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Describe the specified requirements pertaining to measuring thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer in an underground workplace.
  2. Prepare to determine thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer in an underground workplace.
  3. Determine thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer, record the results and take appropriate action.
  4. Perform post measurement activities pertaining to the determining of thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer.

The skills, knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this unit standard contribute to social and economic transformation and the upliftment and economic growth of the mining and minerals sector by determining thermal conditions by means of a whirling hygrometer as part of the mining process.

You will be learning towards the criteria “Plan, organise, lead and control activities in the working operations process.” Whilst learning towards the criteria you will be required to achieve the following specific outcomes:

P = Plan - work operations & activities

O = Organise - work operations & activities

L = Lead - work operations & activities

C = Control - work operations & activities

This course will be useful to people who are responsible for determining low air velocities accurately in an underground workplace to ascertain whether conditions are within the prescribed limits.

People who completed this course are able to:

  • Describe the specified requirements pertaining to determining the velocity of air by means of the tape method.
  • Prepare to determine velocity.
  • Determine and record the velocity of air.
  • Perform post-measurement activities and take appropriate action

This course will provide learners with the knowledge to test for flammable gas in a mining environment by means of an electronic hand held instrument and take appropriate action to ensure a healthy and safe environment to work in.

This course provides learners with an understanding of sexuality, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS. They will better understand how to manage HIV-positive individuals in terms of prevention, transmission, and implementation of health maintenance interventions.

This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and handle the rock strata required for daily mining operations in an underground work area.

The knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this course contribute to social and economic transformation and the upliftment and economic growth of the mining and minerals sector by understanding the basic underground hard rock mining services, processes, and layouts as part of the mining process.

The air that flows through a mine is as important to the mine as the circulation of blood is to the human body. The blood circulation carries oxygen to all parts of the body, removes all waste products, and regulates body temperature.

Ventilation provides a safe, healthy, and productive environment in all areas of the mine where employees work and move around.

This course will be useful for persons who intend to pursue a career in the mining and minerals sectors, particularly in underground hard rock.

People who studied this unit course will be able to:

  • Explain the characteristics of explosives and initiation systems.
  • Explain the safe handling and characteristics of blasting products and systems.
  • Explain the application of blasting products and systems.
The knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this course are essential for social and economic transformation and contribute to the upliftment and economic growth of the mining and minerals sector.

This course is designed for learners who need to demonstrate the ability to conduct a workplace risk assessment. The course will enable learners to prepare, conduct a risk assessment, and initiate corrective action for identified hazards and assessed risks.
This course is about extinguishing a fire underground with a portable fire extinguisher because, without the knowledge to operate a fire extinguisher and put out a fire, the risk of loss of life increases and production can come to a complete stop.

This course has practical.

First aid is the emergency care of injured or ill people. It is a stabilization process before the patient receives more extensive medical care. Individuals providing first aid must be properly trained and have advanced life support skills and knowledge. First aid is universal, which means that many different emergency scenarios can occur.

There are various laws regulating safety, health, and environmental requirements that place special responsibilities not only on the employer but also on the employee. The investigation process is part of any safety management program, but the purpose of investigations is often poorly understood. As a result, investigations can be used to place blame and find fault. The goal should be to determine the actual causes of the incident and then take corrective and preventive actions to ensure that it does not happen again.

This lesson is designed to provide a better understanding of what is required to conduct a meaningful workplace incident investigation.

This Manual is for persons responsible for separating material by means of an electrostatic separator.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the separation process.
  2. Prepare to separate material.
  3. Separate material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the separation process.
This MANUAL is for persons responsible for separating material by means of a dry high-density magnetic separator.

A person credited with this unit standard can:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the separation process.
  2. Prepare to separate material.
  3. Separate material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the separation process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for recovering uranium from a solution by means of a chemical precipitation process.

After completing this Manual you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the recovery of uranium from solution by means of precipitation.
  2. Prepare to precipitate uranium.
  3. Precipitate uranium.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the precipitation process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for leaching metal-bearing material in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Manual you are able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to leaching metal-bearing material.
  2. Prepare to leach material.
  3. Leach material.
  4. Complete duties pertaining to the leaching process.
This Manual are for the person responsible Crush material in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following.
You will be required to crush material by means of one or more of the following equipment:
  1. Cone-type crusher.
  2. Impact-type crusher.
  3. Jaw crusher.
  4. Roller-type crusher. Rotary Breaker.
This MANUAL will be useful to people responsible for washing material by means of a rotary scrubber.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the washing of material by means of a rotary scrubber. 
  2. Prepare to wash material.
  3. Wash material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the washing process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for transporting material by means of a screw conveyor.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of transporting material by means of a screw conveyor.
Prepare to transport material.
Transport material.
Complete the duties pertaining to the duties pertaining to the transport of material.
This Manual is for persons who are required to take representative solid samples in a metallurgical process.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following.
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the taking of representative solid samples in a metallurgical process.
  2. Prepare to take representative samples.
  3. Take representative samples.
This Manual is for persons responsible for stripping base metals from titanium blanks in an electro-winning process.

After completing this unit manual you can:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the stripping of base metals from titanium blanks.
  2. Prepare to strip base metals. Strip base metals.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the stripping of base metals.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for slake lime.

After completing this Manual you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the slaking of lime.
  2. Prepare to slake lime.
  3. Slake lime.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the lime slaking process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for replacing medium in a fluidised bed roaster.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the replacement of medium.
  2. Prepare to replace medium.
  3. Replace medium.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the replacement of medium.
After completion, you will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of conveying material by means of a bucket elevator.
  • Prepare to convey material.
  • Convey material.
  • Monitor the bucket elevators conveying operations. 

This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for removing impurities from carbon by means of acid treatment.

After completing this Module you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding relating to the acid treatment process.
  2. Prepare to acid treat carbon.
  3. Acid treat carbon.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the acid treatment process.

This module will assist persons responsible for controlling water quality in a cooling system.  After completion, the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the control of water quality.
  • Prepare to control water quality.
  • Control water quality.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the water quality control process.

After the completion of this module, the learner is able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to control the water reticulation system.
  • Prepare to control the water reticulation system.
  • Control the water reticulation system.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the water reticulation system.

This module will be useful to people responsible for controlling the pH level in a metallurgical process. Once completed, the learner are able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling of the pH level.
  • Prepare to control the pH level.
  • Control the pH level.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling process.
This Manual is for persons responsible for removing ferromagnetic material from a belt conveyor by means of an over-belt magnet.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following. 
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the removal process.
  2. Prepare to remove material.
  3. Remove material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the removal process.
This module will assist learners with distributing feed to a storage facility by means of a mobile discharge system such as a tripper car, shuttle conveyor, shuttle car, radial door or belt tilting device. This will assist learners to::
  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the distribution of feed.
  • Prepare to distribute feed.
  • Distribute feed.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the distribution of feed. 
This Manual is for persons responsible for removing airborne pollutants by means of a scrubbing process.

A person credited with this unit standard can:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the scrubbing process.
  2. Prepare to scrub airborne pollutants.
  3. Scrub airborne pollutants.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the scrubbing process.
This Manual is for persons responsible for removing airborne dust by means of a bag filter process.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the filtering process.
  2. Prepare to remove airborne dust.
  3. Remove airborne dust.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the filtering process.
This Manual is for persons responsible for regenerating resin.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to resin regeneration.
  2. Prepare to regenerate resin. Regenerate resin.
  3. Complete duties pertaining to the regeneration process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for regenerating organic solvent.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to organic solvent regeneration.
  2. Prepare to regenerate organic solvent.
  3. Regenerate organic solvent.
  4. Complete duties pertaining to the regeneration process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for recovering metal by means of centrifugal concentration.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the centrifugal concentration process.
  2. Prepare to recover metal.
  3. Recover metal.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the centrifugal concentration process.
This Manual is for persons responsible for separating dissolved gold from a solution by means of a chemical precipitation process.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the recovery of gold from solution by means of precipitation.
  2. Prepare to precipitate gold.
  3. Precipitate gold.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the precipitation process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for recovering diamonds by means of hand sorting.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the recovery of diamonds by means of hand sorting.
  2. Prepare to recover diamonds.
  3. Recover diamonds.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the recovery process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for reclaiming material by means of high-pressure monitoring.

After completing this Manual you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the reclamation of material.
  2. Prepare to reclaim material. Reclaim material.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the reclamation of material.
This Module is for persons who are responsible for reclaiming material by means of a bridge-type reclaimer.

After completing this Module you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to reclaiming material.
  2. Prepare to reclaim material.
  3. Reclaim material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the reclamation process.
This Module will be useful to people responsible for producing backfill.

After completing this Module you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the production of backfill.
  2. Prepare to produce backfill.
  3. Produce backfill.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the backfill production process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for producing platinum ingots.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the briquetting process.
  2. Prepare to produce briquettes.
  3. Produce briquettes.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the briquetting process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for performing minor mechanical maintenance on process equipment in a metallurgical plant.

After completing the Manual can do the following:
Demonstrate knowledge relating to process equipment mechanical maintenance.
Prepare to maintain process equipment.
Maintain process equipment.
Complete the duties pertaining to process equipment mechanical maintenance.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for separating material by means of gravity concentration.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the gravity concentration process.
  2. Prepare to separate material.
  3. Separate material.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the concentration process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for performing dense medium separation in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this manual you be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to dense medium separation.
  2. Prepare to separate material.
  3. Perform dense medium separation.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the separation process.
This Manual will be useful to people persons responsible for off-loading pulp from a tanker.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of pulp.
  2. Prepare to off-load pulp.
  3. Off-load pulp.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the pulp off-loading process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for off-loading organic reagents safely into a storage facility in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of organic reagents.
  2. Prepare to off-load organic reagents.
  3. Off-load organic reagents.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the off-loading of organic reagents.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for off-loading ore from a rail truck.

After completing this Manual you wiil be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of ore.
  2. Prepare to off-load ore.
  3. Off-load ore.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the ore off-loading process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for off-loading liquefied gas safely into a storage facility in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of liquefied gas.
  2. Prepare to off-load liquefied gas.
  3. Off-load liquefied gas.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the off-loading of liquefied gas.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for off-loading cyanide from a tanker.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of cyanide.
  2. Prepare to off-load cyanide.
  3. Off-load cyanide.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the cyanide off-loading process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for off-loading carbon from a tanker.

After completing this Manual you are able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of carbon.
  2. Prepare to off-load carbon.
  3. Off-load carbon.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the carbon off-loading process.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for off-loading alkalis safely into a storage facility in a metallurgical plant.

A person credited with this unit standard can:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of alkalis.
  2. Prepare to off-load alkalis.
  3. Off-load alkalis.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the off-loading of alkalis.
This Module will be useful to people responsible for off-loading acid safely from a tanker into a storage facility in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Module you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the off-loading of acid.
  2. Prepare to off-load acid. Off-load acid.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the acid off-loading process.
This Module is for persons responsible for neutralizing solution for final processing.

After completing the module you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the neutralizing process.
  2. Prepare to neutralize solution.
  3. Neutralize solution.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the neutralizing process.

This module will assist learners to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the control of the blending and reclaiming process.
  • Prepare to control the blending and reclaiming process.
  • Control the blending and reclaiming process.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to controlling of the blending and reclaiming process

This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for the making up of an ammonia solution.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the making up of an ammonia solution.
  2. Prepare to make-up an ammonia solution.
  3. Make-up an ammonia solution.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the making up of an ammonia solution.
This Manual will be useful to people responsible for making up organic reagents safely in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this Manual you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the making up of organic reagents.
  2. Prepare to make up organic reagents.
  3. Make up organic reagents.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the making up of organic reagents.

This module will be useful to people who are responsible for classify material by means of a winnower.

After the completion of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the classification of material by means of a winnower.
  • Prepare to classify material.
  • Classify material.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the classification process. 

This module will assist learners with the following:
  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the centrifuging process.
  • Prepare to centrifuge material.
  • Centrifuge material.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the centrifuging process. 

This module will assist the learner to be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the hand sorting of material.
  • Hand sort material.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the hand sorting of material. 

This module is for learners who need to demonstrate an understand sexuality and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and the impact of these infections on oneself, as well as in the workplace and society. It is also aimed at encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

After completion the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate and understand sexuality.
  • Demonstrate and understand the nature, transmission and prevention of sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.
  • Describe means to cope and deal with sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.
  • Describe human rights of individuals living with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections

This Module will be useful to people responsible for making up inorganic reagents safely in a metallurgical plant.

A person who completed this Module can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the making up of inorganic reagents.
  2. Prepare to make up inorganic reagents.
  3. Make up inorganic reagents.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the making up of inorganic reagents.

This module will enable learners to write/sign to suit a range of contexts. They use complex sentence structures and show/register some control of style and register. Writers/signers can match the choice of text type, structure, tone/sign size and pace and word/sign selection in their writing/signing to the needs of specific audiences. They express themselves reasonably clearly and precisely when writing/signing, and they are willing to explore new forms of writing in thoughtful and organised ways.

On completion of this module, learners will be able to:

  • Write/sign for a specific purpose, audience and context
  • Use grammatical structures and writing/signing conventions to produce coherent and cohesive texts for specific contexts
  • Adapt language to suit context
  • Draft and edit own writing/signing. 

The essential purposes of the mathematical literacy requirements are that, as the learner progresses with confidence through the levels, the learner will grow in:

  • An insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person
  • An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker
  • The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and so become a participating citizen.
  • People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  • Convert flexibly between and within various representations of functions.
  • Compare, analyse and describe the behavior of patterns and functions.
  • Represent situations mathematically in order to interpret and solve problems. 

Upon completion of this module, learners will be able to:
  • Use mathematics to plan and control personal and/or household budgets and income and expenditure;
  • Use simple and compound interest to make sense of and define a variety of situations including investments, stokvels, inflation, appreciation and depreciation;
  • Investigate various aspects of financial transactions including costs, prices, revenue, cost price, selling price, loss and profit.

This module will facilitate learning and to ensure that learners are able to cope with learning in the context of learnerships, skills programmes, and other learning programmes. Many adult learners in the FET band have not been in a learning situation for a long time, and need learning and study strategies and skills to enable successful progression.

Learners competent at this level will be able to deal with learning materials, access and use useful resources, seek clarification and help when necessary, and apply a range of learning strategies. They do this with an understanding of the features and processes of the workplace and occupations to which their learning programme refer.

On completion the learner will be able to:

  • Find and use suitable learning resources
  • Use learning strategies
  • Manage occupational learning programme materials
  • Plan and gather relevant information for use in a given context
  • Function in a team
  • Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning 

This module will be useful to learners who need a sound foundation of spoken/signed language ability for further language growth, and for application in real life contexts. Learners talk/sign confidently in both formal and informal contexts and /sign actively for ideas and information in interactions with other people. They are aware of the ways others speak/sign to influence listeners and audiences. In conveying their ideas and information they select language and a register that is accessible to their audience and fit for their purpose.

After the completion of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Use a variety of strategies to maintain communication.
  • Adapt language to accommodate socio-cultural sensitivities without losing own meaning.
  • Use knowledge of language structures and conventions to shape or decode meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary or constructions.
  • Organise and present information in a focused and coherent manner.
  • Identify and explain how speakers/signers influence audiences.

This Module will be useful to people responsible for making up heavy medium suspension safely in a metallurgical plant.

A person who completed this Module can do the following :
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the making up of heavy medium suspension.
  2. Prepare to make up heavy medium suspension.
  3. Make up heavy medium suspension.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the making up of heavy medium suspension.

This module will help the learner grow in the following:

  • An insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person.
  • An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker.
  • The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and so become a participating citizen.
After completion, the learner will be able to:
  • Estimate, measure, and calculate physical quantities in practical situations.
  • Explore transformations of two-dimensional geometric figures.

This module will help learners to use and analyse computational tools and strategies, and make estimates and approximations.  It will also assist them to demonstrate an understanding of numbers and relationships among numbers and number systems, and represent numbers in different ways.

This module will help the learner grow in:

  • A confident, insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person
  • An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker

Learners on this module are able to read or view, understand, and respond to texts on a range of topics.

After completion, the learner will be able to:

  • Use a range of reading and/or viewing strategies to make meaning of texts.
  • Identify the main ideas in different text types.
  • Read/view and respond to texts for a variety of purposes.
  • Identify and discuss how language structures and features may influence a reader/audience. 

This module is for persons responsible for transferring material by means of a belt conveyor.

After completion, the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the transfer of material.
  • Prepare to transfer material.
  • Transfer material.
  • Complete duties pertaining to the material transfer process. 

This module will be useful to people who are responsible for transferring fluids by means of one or more pumps.

After completion the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the transfer of fluids by means of pump.
  • Prepare to transfer fluid.
  • Transfer fluid.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the transferring process. 

This module will be useful to people responsible for thickening slurry in a metallurgical plant.

After completion the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the thickening process.
  • Prepare to thicken slurry.
  • Thicken slurry.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the thickening process. 

This Module will be useful to people responsible for maintaining steel balls in a mill by means of a suspended magnetic loading system.

After completing this Module you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the maintaining of steel ball load.
  2. Prepare to load steel balls.
  3. Load steel balls.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the steel ball loading operation.

This module will assist people who are responsible for performing size separation by means of one or more of the equipment units.

After completion the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to size separation.
  • Prepare to separate material.
  • Perform size separation.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the size separation process. 

The skills, values, and knowledge required in this module are for people in the manufacturing and engineering field. 
After completion, you will be able to perform basic first aid at the scene of an accident to minimise the risk of further injury or death.
This Module is for persons responsible for loading uranium slurry into a tanker.

After completing this Module you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the loading of uranium slurry.
  2. Prepare to load uranium slurry.
  3. Load uranium slurry.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the uranium slurry loading process.

Persons responsible for the handling of waste material in a metallurgical plant will benefit from this training.

Learners who complete this module will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the handling of waste material.
  • Prepare to handle waste material.
  • Handle waste material.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the handling of waste material. 

This module is for persons responsible for controlling the feed rate of material from a storage facility onto other equipment by means of a feeder such as a vibrating feeder, belt feeder or apron feeder. 

After the completion of this module, the learner will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to the control of the feed rate of material.
  • Prepare to control the feed rate.
  • Control the feed rate.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to controlling of the feed rate.

This MODULE is for persons responsible for loading sulphuric acid into a tanker.

After completing this Module you can do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the loading of sulphuric acid.
  2. Prepare to load sulphuric acid.
  3. Load sulphuric acid.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the sulphuric acid loading process.

This module will help people who are responsible for performing classification by means of one or more of the equipment units.

After the completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge relating to classification.
  • Prepare to classify material.
  • Perform classification.
  • Complete the duties pertaining to the classification process. 

This Module will be useful to people responsible for loading carbon from a storage facility into a road tanker.

After completion of this module, you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the loading of carbon.
  2. Prepare to load carbon.
  3. Load carbon.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the carbon loading process.
This module will focus learners on safety, health, and environmental principles and procedures in a workplace so that they can contribute to a safe and healthy working environment and assist management in implementing SHE management programs within the workplace.

After completing this module, learners will be able to:
  • Explain safety, health and environmental requirements in a workplace.
  • Applying safety, health and environmental principles and procedures in a workplace.
  • Exercising safety, health and environmental responsibilities in a workplace.

This Module will be useful to people responsible for handling organic reagents safely in a metallurgical plant.

After completion, you will be able to do the following.
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the handling of organic reagents.
  2. Prepare to handle organic reagents.
  3. Handle organic reagents.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the reagent handling process.


Inspecting workplace occupational health and safety in order to identify and deal with workplace hazards and risks, initiate, implement, evaluate and record remedial action, and report on and follow up on inspections. This module will facilitate the development of safe, healthy working environments as well as competence to address workplace hazards and risks related to both the people and the equipment found in places of work.

This module will assist learners with:

  • Explaining the legal and specified requirements pertaining to conducting occupational safety and health (OHS) inspections.
  • Planning OHS inspections and workplace hazard identification.
  • Conducting inspections to identify hazards.
  • Reporting on OHS inspections, and remedying workplace hazards and associated risks

This module will assist persons who work or intend to work within a mining and minerals context, and who seek to acquire recognition in knowledge and skills in metallurgical-related operations: 

The following will be covered in this module:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the size reduction processes in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the classification processes in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the beneficiation processes in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the chemical processing techniques (hydro) in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the dewatering processes in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the high-temperature metallurgical processes (pyro) in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the refining processes in a metallurgical plant.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the materials transport processes in a metallurgical plant. 

This Course will be useful to people who are responsible for overseeing the leaching process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the overseeing and operation of the leaching process.
  2. Control the leaching process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the leaching process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing responsible for generating steam by means of a coal boiler in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the generation of steam by means of a coal boiler.
  2. Prepare to and generate steam by means of a coal boiler.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the steam generation process.
This Course is for people who will be working within a Public Sector, Local Government, commercial or community environment, and will fulfill a leadership role as part of their job.
This Course will also add value to public officials who are seeking to develop a career pathway toward an accomplished integrated development planner or public sector management and administration specialist.

After completing this course you will be capable of:
  1. Explaining the concept of motivation and its importance in enhancing performance levels.
  2. Explaining and applying theories of motivation in a leadership context.
  3. Applying techniques to enhance self-motivation and leadership performance.
  4. Applying strategies to motivating others in a leadership context.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the thickening process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the thickening process.
  2. Control the thickening process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the thickening process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the process of recovering uranium from a solution in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the uranium recovery process.
  2. Control the uranium recovery process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the uranium recovery process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the electric arc furnace process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the electric arc furnace process.
  2. Control the electric arc furnace process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the electric arc furnace process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the milling and classification process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the milling and classification process.
  2. Control the milling and classification process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the milling and classification process.
This Manual reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the lump ore beneficiation process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the lump ore beneficiation process.
  2. Control the lump ore beneficiation process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the lump ore beneficiation process.
This course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the jig operation process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the jig operation process.
  2. Control the jig operation process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the jig operation process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the gravity concentration process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the gravity concentration process.
  2. Control the gravity concentration process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the gravity concentration process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the froth flotation process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the froth flotation process.
  2. Control the froth flotation process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the froth flotation process.
This Manual will be useful to people who are responsible for controlling the elution process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the elution process.
  2. Control the elution process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the elution process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the drying operation process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the drying operation process.
  2. Control the drying operation process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the drying operation process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the dense medium separation process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the dense medium separation process.
  2. Control the dense medium separation process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the dense medium separation process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the de-watering process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the de-watering process.
  2. Control the de-watering process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to controlling of the de-watering process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the crushing and screening process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the crushing and screening process.
  2. Control the crushing and screening process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the crushing and screening process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the carbon adsorption process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the carbon adsorption process.
  2. Control the carbon adsorption process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the controlling of the carbon adsorption process.
This Course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the Biological Oxidation (Biox) process in a metallurgical plant.

After completing this course you will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the Biological Oxidation (Biox) process.
Control the Biological Oxidation (Biox) process.
Complete the duties pertaining to controlling of the Biological Oxidation (Biox) process
This course reflects the skills, values and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for controlling the resin adsorption process in a metallurgical plant.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the controlling and operation of the resin adsorption process.
  2. Control the resin adsorption process.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to controlling of the resin adsorption process.
This Course reflects the skills, values, and knowledge required by people in the field of Mineral Processing who are responsible for administering first aid in the event of cyanide poisoning.

 After completing this Course you will be able to do the following:
  1. Prepare to administer first aid.
  2. Administer first aid.
  3. Complete the duties pertaining to the administering of first aid.
This course will be useful to people who communicate confidently and fluently in writing/signing in almost any formal and informal situation. Competence at this level will help learners to analyse and make mature judgments about complex, human, personal, social, and environmental issues and to express and motivate own opinions.

Learners at this level write/sign expressively and with conviction on topics of interest. They cope well with the exploration of complex themes and issues in a variety of writing/signing styles that stimulate and maintain the interest of their readers/audience. Through a drafting and editing process, their writing/signing shows significant improvement.

They carefully scrutinise their own and others' writing/signing in terms of its impact on different audiences and contexts. They are also able where possible to use multi-media technologies to present rather than write/sign their own texts.

After completing this course you will be able to do the following:
  1. Write/sign effectively and creatively on a range of topics.
  2. Choose language structures and features to suit communicative purposes.
  3. Edit writing/signing for fluency and unity.
This course will be useful to people who aim to achieve recognition at some level in Further Education and Training or to meet the Fundamental requirement of a wide range of qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework.

After completing this course you will be able to do the following:
  1. Use mathematics to plan and control financial instruments including insurance and assurance, unit trusts, stock exchange dealings, options, futures and bonds.
  2. Use simple and compound interest to make sense of and define a variety of situations including mortgage loans, hire purchase, present values, annuities and sinking funds.
  3. Investigate various aspects of costs and revenue including marginal costs, marginal revenue and optimisation of profit.
  4. Use mathematics to debate aspects of the national and global economy, including tax, productivity and the equitable distribution of resources.
The purpose of this Manual is to facilitate learning and to ensure that learners are able to cope with learning in the context of learnerships, skills programs, and other learning programs. Many adult learners in the FET band have not been in a learning situation for a long time, and need learning and study strategies and skills to enable successful progression.

Learners competent at this level will be able to deal with learning materials, to access and use useful resources, to seek clarification and help when necessary, and apply a range of learning strategies. They do this with an understanding of the features and processes of the workplace and occupations to which their learning programs refer.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Access, use and manage suitable learning resources.
  2. Formulate and use learning strategies.
  3. Manage occupational learning materials.
  4. Conduct research, analyse and present findings.
  5. Lead and function in a team Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning.
This Manaual is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirements of the NQF at level 4. The essential purposes of the mathematical literacy requirements are that, as the learner progresses with confidence through the levels, the learner will grow in: An insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person. An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker. The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and so become a participating citizen.

People credited with this unit standard are able to:
  1. Measure, estimate, and calculate physical quantities in practical situations relevant to the adult with increasing responsibilities in life or the workplace. 
  2. Explore analyse and critique, describe and represent, interpret and justify geometrical relationships and conjectures to solve problems in two and three dimensional geometrical situations.
This Manual will enable you to use analytical skills to make sophisticated judgements about complex human and social issues. They are aware of both the functions of language and of its drama and power. Learners are critical, reflective and responsive readers and/or viewers of written/signed and visual texts. They are able to draw comparisons between texts, and to compare and contrast themes and issues in texts with those in the contexts in which they live and work. They identify and analyse style and tone/sign size and pace and account for their effectiveness in different texts. They are willing to challenge the assumptions and values expressed in texts. They are especially critical readers/viewers of both the written/signed and/or visual mass media. They can access, process and use information from a wide variety of texts.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Critically analyse texts produced for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts.
  2. Identify and explain the values, attitudes and assumptions in texts.
  3. Evaluate the effects of content, language and style on readers'/viewers' responses in specific texts.
This Manual will enable learners to participate effectively in oral/signed communication in most situations. Learners at this level are aware of their audiences and purposes for communication. They listen effectively and critically. They are able to identify or adopt the style and language register required in different situations. They can usually identify the assumptions and inferences in what people say/sign. They speak/sign fluently and confidently in both formal and familiar settings and can articulate their purpose and meaning clearly. They can use language to convey detailed information and to express their ideas and feelings. They control complex sentence structures and language conventions in their spoken/signed communications.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Respond critically yet sensitively as a listener/audience.
  2. Analyse own responses to spoken/signed texts and adjust as required.
  3. Use strategies to be an effective speaker/signer in sustained oral/signed interactions.
  4. Evaluate spoken/signed discourse.
This Manual is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirement of the NQF at Level 4. The essential purposes of the mathematical literacy requirement are that, as the learner progresses with confidence through the levels, the learner will grow in: A confident, insightful use of mathematics in the management of the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences `and so develop into a contributing worker The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and so become a participating citizen.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Critique and use techniques for collecting, organising and representing data.
  2. Use theoretical and experimental probability to develop models, make predictions and study problems.
  3. Critically interrogate and use probability and statistical models in problem solving and decision making in real-world situations.
Learners at this level write/present/sign texts with complex subject matter and a need for various levels of formality in language and construction. They select text type, subject matter and language to suit specific audiences, purposes and contexts. Writers/signers can use linguistic structures and features to influence readers/their audience. They draft, redraft and edit own writing/signing to meet the demands of a range of text-types. They use language appropriate to the socio-cultural, learning or workplace/technical environment as required. They explore presentation techniques as an alternative to writing/signing own texts.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Write/sign for a specified audience and purpose.
  2. Use language structures and features to produce coherent and cohesive texts for a wide range of contexts.
  3. Draft own writing/signing and edit to improve clarity and correctness.
The purpose of this Manual is to facilitate learning and to ensure that learners are able to cope with learning in the context of learnerships, skills programmes, and other learning programmes. Many adult learners in the FET band have not been in a learning situation for a long time, and need learning and study strategies and skills to enable successful progression.

After completing this Manual you will be able to deal with learning materials, to access and use useful resources, to seek clarification and help when necessary, and apply a range of learning strategies. They do this with an understanding of the features and processes of the workplace and occupations to which their learning programme refer.
  1. Access and use suitable learning resources.
  2. Use learning strategies.
  3. Manage occupational learning programme materials.
  4. Conduct basic research, analyse and present findings.
  5. Function in a team.
  6. Reflect on how characteristics of the workplace and occupational context affect learning.
People at this level read and view a range of texts. People who completed this course are able to read and view a variety of text types with understanding and to justify their views and responses by reference to detailed evidence from texts. They are also able to evaluate the effectiveness of different texts for different audiences and purposes by using a set of criteria for analysis.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
Use a range of reading and viewing strategies to understand the literal meaning of specific texts Use strategies for extracting implicit messages in texts. Respond to selected texts in a manner appropriate to the context Explore and explain how language structures and features may influence a reader/viewer.
Learners at this level are aware of their audiences and purposes for communication. They adapt their style and language register to the requirements of different situations. They are able to listen and speak/sign confidently in both formal and familiar settings. They can articulate their purposes and reasons for the adoption of a particular register and style in any situation. They can usually identify the assumptions and inferences implicit in what people say/sign and how they say/sign it.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Interact successfully in oral/signed communication.
  2. Use strategies that capture and retain the interest of an audience.
  3. Identify and respond to manipulative use of language.
this Manual is for anyone who will be participating in a task team in a process environment 

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Contribute to team meetings.
  2. Investigate improvement of methods or systems.
  3. Propose improved methods or systems.
  4. Contribute to a review process.
This Manual reflects the skills, values, and knowledge required by people in the Mineral Processing field responsible for monitoring and controlling a metallurgical plant from a control room.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge relating to the monitoring and controlling of a metallurgical plant.
  2. Start the metallurgical plant.
  3. Monitor and control a metallurgical plant.
  4. Complete the duties pertaining to the monitoring and controlling of a metallurgical plant.
This Manual specifies the knowledge and skills required to manage a budget within the organization.

This Manual is intended for junior managers of organizations, after completion you will be capable of:
  1. Explaining the concept of budgeting pertinent to an area of responsibility.
  2. Determining the elements of a budget relevant to an area of responsibility.
  3. Monitoring and controlling actual expenses (and revenue), against the projected budget.
This Manual will be for individuals who perform or intend to perform one-to-one training on the job. Formal recognition will enhance their employability and also provide a means to identify competent trainers or coaches.

After completing this Manual you will be able to do the following:
  1. Prepare for one-to-one training on the job.
  2. Conduct training sessions.
  3. Monitor and report on learner progress.
  4. Review training.

After completing this Manual you will be able to demonstrate applied competence in occupational health, safety awareness of environmental issues and general housekeeping based on statutory and industry requirements.

First aid is the emergency care of injured or ill people. It is a stabilization process before the patient receives more extensive medical care. Individuals providing first aid must be properly trained and have advanced life support skills and knowledge. First aid is universal, which means that many different emergency scenarios can occur.

Note: This course has a practical assessment that needs to be completed at one of our many branches. 

This course provides learners with an understanding of sexuality, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS. They will better understand how to manage HIV-positive individuals in terms of prevention, transmission, and implementation of health maintenance interventions.

You will be learning towards the criteria “Plan, organise, lead and control activities in the working operations process.” Whilst learning towards the criteria you will be required to achieve the following specific outcomes:

P = Plan - work operations & activities

O = Organise - work operations & activities

L = Lead - work operations & activities

C = Control - work operations & activities

This course is about extinguishing a fire underground with a portable fire extinguisher because, without the knowledge to operate a fire extinguisher and put out a fire, the risk of loss of life increases and production can come to a complete stop.

Note: This course has a practical assessment that needs to be completed at one of our many branches.           

On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the framework of the workplace Health & Safety legislation pertaining to Health and Safety Representatives.
  • Explain the specified requirements to conduct Safety, Health and Environmental Representation activities at a working place.
  • Address Safety, Health and Environment related issues within the Scope of Authority
Comply with the Activities within Safety, Health and Environmental structures

learners will be able to identify and deal with workplace hazardous substances.

  • Describing the legal and specified requirements for identifying and dealing with workplace hazardous substances 
  • Identifying workplace hazardous substances in specified contexts 
  • Identifying risks associated with hazardous substances in specified contexts 
  • Controlling hazardous substances in specified contexts
This course will be useful to people who are required to explain the general legal requirements for generic purposes in an underground mine.

First aid is the emergency care of injured or ill people. It is a stabilization process before the patient receives more extensive medical care. Individuals providing first aid must be properly trained and have advanced life support skills and knowledge. First aid is universal, which means that many different emergency scenarios can occur.

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